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This Week’s Intercessions 
The response for our Intercessions this week is:  
Holy God, full of grace, hear our prayer,
And guide us by your Spirit.

Holy God, you bring all that is living to be, and instill your spirit within us that we might grow to be in you as you are in us.  You still the storms and bring your peace and grace that we might fully live within that same peace and grace. We pray that you help us to be mindful to rely upon you when we are in the midst of a storm. May we always be encouraged and guided by your Holy Word, that you are always with us.  We call you Father and seek your blessing on all we bring before you this day for your creation, for this world, for your church and all the ministries to the brokenness amongst us.  Day by day you offer us refreshment, healing, and wholeness.

For Peace and Reconciliation God of peace, there are many storms and raging seas of war, strife, and injustice in this world.  May the words, ‘Peace, Be Still’, touch the hearts of humanity and through your Spirit bring the calm that comes with reconciliation between nations, communities, neighbours and within families.  Bless all those who work for, and give their lives for peace. Protect those on the move as refugees and those who work with them. We pray for the people of Haiti. We pray for peace between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Gaza. Where humanity is fumbling to find the path that brings peace, lead us to that path where we may walk alongside one another in peace.

For the Communities May there be a spirit of cooperation in all our communities. We give thanks for our diversity and pray that all the gifts of this diversity may be welcomed and used for the greater good here in Delta and other communities where we live. We pray your blessing on all forms of political and community leadership amongst us that we may live for one another, particularly as we care and give support to the homeless, the addicted, the unemployed, and others in need amongst us, yet go unseen.  We give thanks for our multicultural community and pray for opportunities to grow in our knowledge and understanding of one another.   

The Church – We pray for the gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit to blow through churches all around the world; remembering our companion Diocese: The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Philippines, for Bishop Benny Lang-akan, clergy, & people. Our twinned parishes: St. Bede, Panabungen & St Luke, Maliten – 
The Rev. Albino Fag-ayan. We pray for strength, renewal, insight, and loving care. 

In the Wider Church and in the Anglican Communion – May your Spirit guide and protect churches wherever the faithful are found and lead and go before them as they share the Gospel. We pray for the church in the Middle East, for the Anglican Church in South Sudan, and for the Church of England. We pray for the witness of charities that carry out loving work - for ‘Sleeping Children Around the World’, International China Concern, HOPE International, Young Life, and for PWRDF partnering with the Canadian Food Grains Bank, seeking to quell hunger and build community in many places around the world.

In our Diocese St. David and St. Paul, Powell River – The Rev. Laurel Dahill, The Rev. Ronald Berezan, The Rev. Taras Pakholchuk 
The Diocesan Refugee Unit – Ms. Shannon Muir, Chair   
Diocesan Refugee Administrator – Dr. Shakuntala Soden
We pray for the indigenous ministries of the Anglican Church of Canada and in our Diocese.  We pray for our reconciliation.

Our Parish & Ministries - The Search Committee & Summer Day Camp volunteers and children.

In the North Delta Ministerial – Crossroads United – 
The Rev. Cari Copeman-Haynes & Congregation

Our Parish Families – Kathie; Anita & Neil; Kirsten; Reg & Barb; Gavin & Victoria.

Prayers for Well Being in our Parish Family
Ren, Chris, Doug, Mary, Wendy, Lloyd & Marj, Alex, Starria, Roz, Wayne, George, Joe, Anita, Dick.