Our purpose is to have women's fellowship and to do outreach in our church and community, through prayer, work and stewardship.
All women who attend an Anglican church are members and are welcome. We meet in the cozy office area at St. Cuthbert's on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. We do not meet in July, August and January.
Several times a year we have guest speakers, as well as hosting a summer pot-luck and a Christmas pot-luck. We hold various fundraisers throughout the year which are generously supported by parishioners. Funds are allocated to several outreach ministries and charities.
Members of the St. Cuthbert's ACW are very active in the Diocesan ACW. Members also regularly volunteer their time to prepare large parcels of clothing and other needed goods at ACW House, that are sent to communities in the North.
Please contact the church office if you require more information. 604-594-8822
For further information on the Diocese of New Westminster Anglican Church Women please use this link.