Our hearts are open and committed to serving God and our neighbours. However in order to keep our doors open and our ministries and programs running, we have ongoing financial commitments, as does any household. In other words, the worship and work of the church includes salaries and bills that need to be paid. We give thanks for each and every gift we receive from you, whether offered in the currency of time, of talent or of money. Thank you.
The links above provide several options for donation. In addition, the "Donate" button below gives you the opportunity to sign up to donate through our website. It is a secure service administered by Tithe.ly. Once you sign up (you can use either debit card or credit card), all you will need to do is 'login'.
If you need help, please contact our Envelope Secretary at env.secretary@stcuthbert.ca.
At each year end, each recorded donator will receive an income tax receipt.
Thank you so much for your participation in the life of the church at St. Cuthbert. Your offering helps us to further the ministry and mission that we understand God has called us to live. "Living as witnesses to God's presence in this community (and beyond) for 60+ years!"