
Luke 3 : 4,6
Second Sunday of Advent - Peace

Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. All flesh shall see the salvation of God"

Luke 3 : 4,6

We thank the sunday school teachers, children and helpers for all they did to put on the pageant this day!

Alleluia, let us go forth with peace in our hearts to serve the Lord.


Wherever we are, in the wilderness, the countryside, or the city, God, you are there. Praying for peace for the people of Haiti, the wars between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Gaza the many killed, the many wounded and the many displaced. We pray for the witness of charities that carry out loving work - for ‘Sleeping Children Around the World’, International China Concern, HOPE International, Young Life, for our own PWRDF of the Anglican Church of Canada ‘Alongside Hope’ and for the Canadian Food Grains Bank. That our hearts may be stirred up in thanksgiving for the life you have given us, let us pray, saying: Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

For the gifts of creation, for the sun that lights our day and the moon and stars that shelter the night: May our eyes be open to the beauty around us, the subtle changes in the sky, the delicate coating of soil from which breaks forth our food and flowers and in which animals make their home. Our Parish Families – Tina & Eric; Donny & Karen, Rowan; Prinu & Sakhi, Aaron & Anon; Cherie & Joe, Brittany & Cole. Help us to protect and nurture your creation around us and everyone who proclaims its wonders. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

For the church in every place: may we be ever mindful of the richness of the family of the church, the persons next to us in the pew, those in neighbourhood churches, the national, international, and ecumenical church of every race, nation and economic circumstance. 
In our Deanery – for St. Anne’s Steveston and St. Alban’s Richmond; and in the North Delta Ministerial – Delta Pentecostal – Pastor Greg Janz & Congregation. St. John the Apostle, Port Moody – The Rev. Vivian Lam, The Rev. Anne Anchor, The Rev. Miranda Sutherland; St. Michael, Surrey - Archdeacon Luisito Engnan; The Deanery of Sea to Sky – The Rev. Cameron Gutjahr, Regional Dean. Let us give thanks for the web of friendship and trust that you give to those who are called friends of Christ. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

For those in authority: let us pray for Christians who witness in places hostile to the gospel, and let us be thankful for our freedom to practice our faith. Let us pray for Our companion diocese of Northern Philippines and our twinned parishes, the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & the Middle East, the Church of South Sudan and the Province of the Episcopal Church in Sudan. Let us pray for the leaders of the nations that Christ may transform strangers into friends that all may see your salvation. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

For this community in our joys and sorrows: let us remember those who have gone before us, those who have sacrificed for us. Help us to look for what is below the obvious, and from this depth to reach out to others. Help us to know the joy that is mingled even with our utmost grief. Let us give thanks for this gathering of God’s people and for the renewal of life we are given. May our blessings be on Our Parish & Ministries – Christmas Pageant Director & Volunteers, and the children. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

For those at greatest risk among us. Let us pray for those lonely, rejected, or oppressed, for the sick and those who struggle to regain their strength, for those among us with the longest memories to link us to the past, and for the newborn, in whose baptism our baptism is again renewed. Prayers for Well Being in our Parish Family: Ren, Chris, Neil, Mary, Wendy, Doug, Lloyd, Alex, Doug, Roz, Wayne, George, Joe, Georg, Anita, Dick. Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

The flowers on the altar today are in loving memory of Cory’s parents: Anson & Phylis. Lord, gather up our prayers with those of all your people in every place, and as you prepare the way, making every valley filled and every mountain brought low in blessing and adoration, guide us to Christ our Lord. Amen.