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This Week’s Intercessions 
The response for our Intercessions this week is:  
Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.

Holy One, we thank you for your patience and reminder to be humble, not seeking the first place but the last and to welcome one and all to be amongst us. In Jesus, You teach us the way of peace, harmony, and wholeness as the way of life amongst ourselves. We reach out to you this morning, that in our worship and prayers for those we love and for those who are strangers, we all may we continue to receive your refreshment, healing, and wholeness. We pray for one another: may we always be united in service and love. 
Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.

For Peace and Reconciliation, We pray for calm and a cooling of hostilities in many places around the world. We pray for the people of Haiti. We pray for peace between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Gaza. We pray for political leaders that they may truly offer themselves for the good of their people and cooperate with one another within their own countries and with their neighbours for the well being of all nations. We pray to be set free from all hardship, distress, want, war, and injustice. Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.

For the Communities We thank you for our communities of Delta, Surrey, and other surrounding communities where we live. We pray your blessing on all forms of leadership amongst us that we may live for one another, particularly as we care and give support to the homeless, the addicted, the unemployed, and others in need amongst us, yet go unseen.  We give thanks for our multicultural community and pray for opportunities to grow in our knowledge and understanding of one another. May we discover new and just ways of sharing the goods of the earth, struggling against exploitation, greed, or lack of concern: may we all live by the abundance of your mercies and find joy together. Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.

The Church – We seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide your church all around the world; remembering our companion Diocese: The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Philippines, our twinned parishes: St. Bede, & St Luke, we pray for strength, renewal, insight, and loving care. We pray for all who confess the name of Christ: fill us with the power of your Holy Spirit. Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.

In the Wider Church and in the Anglican Communion – May your Spirit guide and protect churches and go before them as they share the Gospel. We pray for the United Church of North India and for the Anglican Church in South Sudan. We ask you to bless the work and witness of charities that carry out loving work - for ‘Sleeping Children Around the World’, International China Concern, HOPE International, Young Life, for PWRDF of our own Anglican Church of Canada and for the Cdn Food Grains Bank. Bless all those who seek to end hunger, build community, and work for justice in this world. For all in danger, for those who are far from home, prisoners, exiles, victims of oppression: grant them your salvation. Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.

In our Diocese – St. Michael, Surrey - Archdeacon Luisito Engnan; St. Michael, Vancouver - The Rev. Wilmer Toyoken, The Rt. Rev. Alex Wandag; St. Michael Centre, Burnaby – Mr. Tony Sauder, The Rev. Justin Cheng. In our Deanery – for All Saints, Ladner, and St. Davids, Tsawwassen; and in the North Delta Ministerial – Faith Lutheran Church – The Rev. Leonardo Neitzel & Congregation. Our Parish & Ministries - The Search Committee, and for all our Small Groups & Bible Study’s: Doyle’s, Hains, Home Fellowship, McDowall’s, & FABS. May we be strengthened by our communion with all Christ’s saints. Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.

Our Parish Families – Chioma & Sidney; Anne, Christian, & Julian; Philip & Hilary, Colin, Kristofer, & Owen; Tom & Marion; Kathy. We pray for those whose lives are bound in mutual love, and for those who live in celibacy: be their joy and their strength. Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.

Prayers for Well Being in our Parish Family
Ren, Chris, Neil, Mary, Wendy, Doug, Lloyd, Alex, Roz, Wayne, George, Joe, Anita, Dick. For all who are facing trials and difficulties, for those who are sick, and those who are dying: show them your kin Loving Creator, Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.

Altar Flowers – In Loving Memory of Carol’s 7th Anniversary of passing, on September 22, 2017, with love from her family: Pat Sr., Pat Jr. & Kory. Loving Creator, who listens to every living thing,
Help us to listen and love in the way of Jesus.